“93.2% of osteopathic patients felt that their experience of osteopathy was very good”
Patient Reported Outcome Measures adult data, 2017
“96% of osteopathic patients expressed confidence in osteopathic treatment and advice”
You Gov Public Perceptions Survey, 2015
Every parent’s priority is to provide the best environment to support their child’s health as they develop and grow. Osteopathic practice is safe and effective. Research has shown that people trust their osteopath and are extremely satisfied by their experience of osteopathic care.
Parents visit osteopaths for a range of reasons to support their child’s health including general joint and muscle issues. Recently, a couple of studies have indicated some possible new evidence to support to use of osteopathic treatment in children. One study has outlined some favourable evidence to suggest that osteopathic treatment could reduce the crying time in babies suffering with colic. Another study has illustrated favourable evidence that osteopathic treatment showed a reduction in length of hospital stay of preterm infants.
Children’s requirements different depending on the stage of their development. As they grow from infants, toddlers, children to teenagers, I will consider your child’s individual needs, age and stage of development, and adapt their advice and treatment accordingly. Babies’ skeletons are softer than an adult’s and so I will therefore use gentler techniques such as cranial osteopathy when treating babies.
Source: Carnes. D, Plunkett. A, Ellwood. J and Miles. C, Manual therapy for unsettled, distressed and excessively crying infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis, BMJ Open 2018; 8e019040
Source: Lanaro. D, Ruffini.N, Manzotti. A and Lista. G, Osteopathic manipulative treatment showed reduction of length of stay and costs in preterm infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Medicine (Balitmore) 2017; 96(12):e6408